Joe Vasquez

Credentials: Joe has been a Certified Pedorthist since 1999 as well as designing foot orthotics since 1992.
Specialty: Joe has a history of working closely with physical therapists nationally as well as New Dimensions Physical Therapy specifically.
In 2008, Joe started his own orthotic lab, Pedologic Orthotics, with a goal of making every pair of orthotics with custom craftsmanship. His desire was to keep each individual’s needs in mind, as opposed to merely making a product with an assembly line approach. Joe is happy to know that people all over the world are walking pain free, wearing foot orthotics that were custom made with his own hands.
Personal Statement: Joe has a particular interest in using foot orthotics as a part of the overall treatment of a patient. Joining the team at New Dimensions Physical Therapy allows him to be onsite and hands on with our patients. He brings his in-depth understanding of all the variables that go into making custom orthotics and combines it with helping people’s bodies adapt into the devices with customized exercise programs.
Outside the Office: Joe can be found strength training, hiking, golfing, reading and most of all hanging out with his wife and daughter.