Rebecca Kern Steiner
PT, OCS, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Rebecca has been the owner of New Dimensions Physical Therapy since 1998. New Dimensions Physical Therapy is listed as a preferred provider on many physician lists as well as fitness networks.
Credentials: Rebecca graduated first in her class from the University of Kentucky in 1988. She started her career in Houston at the Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research where she specialized in treating people with spinal cord injuries and developed her skill working with professional ballet dancers and musicians.
In 1994, Rebecca completed a two-year orthopedic residency program and was nationally certified as a Specialist in Orthopedics in 1995. She has lectured at universities in the United States and China, taught post graduate continuing education courses for physical therapists, and has had her research published in the Journal of Orthopedics and Sports Physical Therapy.
For the past several years, she has been integrating several advanced disciplines into her practice. She became a certified Aston Patterning Practitioner in 2009 and a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in 2013 (each requiring 3 years of extensive training). Additionally, she has been studying Clinical Kinesiology since 2006.
Specialty: Rebecca specializes in assessing and treating complex injuries and pain patterns. She is a biomechanics specialist and is exquisitely skilled at analyzing alignment and movement patterns. Rebecca’s approach to physical therapy is to balance the body with manual therapy, facilitate appropriate muscle firing patterns, reeducate neuromotor movement patterns, and design specific exercise programs to allow for pain free movement with ultimate efficiency.
Rebecca’s unique approach to physical therapy and years of experience resulted in the development of the Steiner Method, an accessible, measurable, reproducible, and teachable methodology and the establishment of the Steiner Institute.
She has been designing custom orthotics since 1995 to improve alignment and biomechanics throughout the entire body. This unique approach to designing orthotics has been helpful to athletes as well as to the general public (from pediatrics to seniors).
Rebecca is skilled in treating elite athletes including runners, triathletes, rock climbers, tennis players, golfers, and dancers as well as patients with fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
Personal Statement: My appreciation for the human body and passion for physical therapy began through my experience as a competitive gymnast. My love for movement and strength was reinforced through rock climbing over the past 25+ years. My holistic approach to physical therapy has made the greatest difference for my patients and it is so fulfilling to return someone to his or her sport or daily life not only pain free but with improved performance.
Outside the Office: Rebecca loves to play as hard as she works. She loves to run, rock climb, cycle, swim, surf, travel and backpack with her family in the mountains. She has practiced Centering prayer for 19 years and Yoga for 28 years.